Tag Archives: hard wood

Stockmaking… You Can Build GunStocks!

Here is a book that will help anybody with the desire and some ability to work with your hands to build gun stocks.  Sherman L. Mays wrote this book to help people with no experience at all to learn the process of making stocks, repairing, finishing and even checkering them.  Naturally, you can’t write a book like this and have it limited to beginners only.  Every gunsmith I have ever met or worked with had a trick or secret to share that made me more profitable and a better craftsman.  Sherman is no exception to that rule, no matter your experience there are good ideas in this book.

Sherman has over forty years invested in making and checkering stocks for his clients.  Along the way he has learned a few tricks and he is not afraid to share his knowledge. The focus of this book is on two piece stocks.  Sherm’s bread and butter is shotgun stocks.  That does not mean a rifle guy can’t learn from this tome.  The subjects of detail work like sling swivels, grip caps and recoil pads are all covered in great detail.

General gunsmith’s have to know a lot about a wide variety of skills. Not the least of which is wood working and stock design.  If you want happy clients the stock must fit them properly.  Custom stock makers are folks who specialize in working only on the gun stock. Their work is highly prized because of their attention to detail and great knowledge of how to achieve the best results.  This textbook will help you produce the professional quality work you dream of doing.

I have never seen this many pictures in a manual, I would argue that more books of how-to information should be this well illustrated.  There are a lot of readers who need pictures to fill in the blanks in their understanding. This book meets you needs both in writing and in illustrations.

364 pages

Perfect Bound, paperback

Format is 8.5″x11″

662 – Mixed color and black  & white pics.

ISBN# 9780578165813

Retail $49.95

Were you can get it:  Amazon or https://4drentals.com/product/stock-work-for-the-beginner

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